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WIS and IGN Library

The Library contains WIS & IGN as PDF files in one of four states (current, draft, archived, archival candidate) for free download. Pay close attention to a document’s caveats.

WIS and IGN Library


IGN 4-11-02 Issue 1 Revised bedding factors for vitrified clay drains and sewers

Issue: February 1988 Code: 4-11-02 Status: Archived

IGN 4-12-01 Issue 4 Precast concrete pipes – unreinforced and reinforced, with flexible joints

Issue: March 1991 Code: 4-12-01 Status: Current

WIS 4-12-04 Issue 1 Specification for glass fibre reinforced cement (GRC) sewer linings

Issue: April 1986 Code: 4-12-04 Status: Ageing

IGN 4-12-05 Issue 1 Specification for precast gunite sewer linings

Issue: April 1986 Code: 4-12-05 Status: Archived

WIS 4-12-06 Issue 1 Specification for Precast and Insitu Ferrocement

Issue: January 1990 Code: 4-12-06 Status: Archived

WIS 4-13-01 Issue 1 Specification for blast furnace slag cement for in situ lining of water mains

Issue: September 2023 Code: 4-13-01 Status: Archived

IGN 4-21-01 Issue 3 Ductile iron pipes and fittings

Issue: July 1994 Code: 4-21-01 Status: Archived

WIS 4-21-02 Issue 1: Specification for mechanical couplings and repair clamps for iron pipes for the conveyance of cold potable water (underground use) for the size range 40 to 1600mm / 1.5 to 48″ inclusive

Issue: October 1994 Code: 4-21-02 Status: Archived

WIS 4-22-02 Issue 1 Specification for ferrules (tapping tees) and ferrule straps for underground use

Issue: March 1991 Code: 4-22-02 Status: Current

WIS 4-23-04 Issue 1 Specification for underground stop valves, including spherical valves, for potable water services for nominal sizes up to and including 63 and nominal pressures of 10 bar minimum and made principally of metal or thermoplastics

Issue: March 1991 Code: 4-23-04 Status: Current