IGN 4-08-01A Amendment to: Bedding and Sidefill Materials for Buried Pipelines
Title: Amended to include: “recycled aggregates for buried pipelines”.
Foreword amended to recognise:
- Replacement of BS 8005 Part 1 with BS EN 752.
- Addition of WIS 4-08-02A
Clause 1, Para 1
- Addition of examples of what constitute “recycled materials”
- Addition of WIS 4-08-02A
Clause 4, Para 4
Replacement of “aggregates conforming to BS 882 or air-cooled blastfurnace slag conforming to BS 1407 or lightweight aggregates conforming to BS 3797 are suitable as processed bedding and sidefill material” with statement that ” Aggregates conforming to BS EN 13242:2002 are suitable as processed bedding and sidefill”
Clause 4, Para 5
Replacement of “Crushed rock aggregates to BS 882 are particularly suitable. Air-cooled blastfurnace slag to BS 1407, lightweight aggregates to BS 3797 or” with statement that “Coarse aggregates to BS EN 13242:2002 produced by crushing rock are particularly suitable.”
Clause 4, Para 10
Delete: “up to 75mm”.
Clause 4, Para 11
After “detailed in WIS No. 4-08-02”, insert: “and No. 4-08-02 Amendment”.
Clause 5
Makes six changes to references quoted.
Replaces Tables A.1 and A.2 with new versions
Adds new Table A.4 & A.5.
The WUK Standards Board commissioned a review of IGN 4-08-01 and IGN 4-08-01A that concluded in March 2023 (in parallel with a review of WIS 4-08-02 and WIS 4-08-02A). The Board determined the four documents’ status should be changed from ‘current’ to ‘ageing’ since elements of the documents have been overtaken by BS, BS EN, or BS EN ISO standards. The documents also need updating to reflect the increased use of ‘as dug’ & recycled aggregates (principally crushed concrete & roadstone) and to address environmental & carbon reduction agendas. Technological advances in recycling plant & equipment should also be reflected in any update.
However, elements of the documents remain useful and they remain widely cited in key water industry specification documents (i.e. beyond WIS and IGN). These include:
- Design and Construction Guidance for foul and surface water sewers offered for adoption under the Code for adoption agreements for water and sewerage companies operating wholly or mainly in England (“the Code”) – for example in ‘E2.25 Pipe surround materials’.
- Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (CESWI 7) – for example in ‘2.90 Pipe surround materials’.
The Standards Board encourages parties interested in seeing these documents updated to form a Task & Finish Group to that end. For further information on how achieve this contact the Board’s Technical Secretary here.
One or more ‘Common Editorial Caveats’ apply – see ‘WIS & IGN Library / Navigation & Caveats’ for details.
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