Water Industry Guidance on Undertaking Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation – Using Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) Technology
This document describes the minimum standards to be achieved by those engaged in the design and implementation of solutions for the rehabilitation of gravity sewer assets using Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) technology.
Its purpose is to provide the UK WaSCs’s specific baseline requirements with regard to gravity sewer rehabilitation using Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining.
This guidance document covers pre-rehabilitation requirements, design and material requirements, installation practice and test method requirements for sewer rehabilitation without excavation using CIPP methods. Service lateral pipes may also require rehabilitation using this guidance document.
This guidance does not cover manhole, rising main or siphon rehabilitation or any rehabilitation method other than CIPP lining for gravity sewers.
This draft IGN has been prepared by the Sewer Rehabilitation Contact Group (SRCG), which comprises representatives from the 10 Water and Sewerage Companies (WaSCs) of England and Wales, Scottish Water, Northern Ireland Water (collectively referred to hereafter as the UK WaSCs) and Irish Water.
Its content has been reviewed & approved by the members of Water UK’s Sewerage Infrastructure Network.
The document has been submitted to the Water UK Standards Board for publication as an IGN and approved by Board for a 3-month period of exposure to public comment prior to its final editing and publication.
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