WIS 4-12-04 Issue 1 Specification for glass fibre reinforced cement (GRC) sewer linings
This specification defines the requirements for construction, materials, dimensional tolerances, joints, design, marking, testing, workmanship, inspection and certification of Glassfibre Reinforced Cement (GRC) segmental linings for the rehabilitation of sewers where the lining is designed to act with the existing sewer fabric and annulus grout to form a composite structure (i.e. Type I design). This specification relates only to GRC manufactured by spray techniques.
The document has not been reviewed for its continued currency since publication.
One or more ‘Common Editorial Caveats’ apply – see ‘WIS & IGN Library / Navigation & Caveats’ for details.
Based on the Standards Board’s enquiries (FWA, UKSTT, PIG & SRCG representatives – Autumn 2021) it understands the technique may still be being used occasionally but is no longer mainstream. The Board is unaware of any EN or ISO standards on the topic. Given the document’s age, extensive references & lack of subsequent review, the Board recommends potential users exercise caution in its interpretation and make further enquiries about its current adequacy. Re-categorised from ‘current’ to ‘ageing’ 6/9/23.
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