WIS 4-34-06 Issue 3 Specification for localised sewer repairs using cured-in-place systems with or without re-rounding
1.1 This specification covers the following types of localised sewer renovation systems for making structural repairs: (i) CIPR (cured-in-place repair); (ii) re-rounding. Re-rounding is always used in conjunction either with a CIPR or a full length manhole to manhole lining. This specification does not cover the use of resin sealing systems which are injected under pressure using an inflatable packer or similar method. Dig-down local repairs and large diameter man-entry techniques are not covered by this specification.
1.2 The resin systems covered by this specification may use any appropriate method for curing.
1.3 There are practical limitations which restrict the range of defects for which local repairs can be used. Design guidance is provided in Appendix A.
1.4 The Supplier of the local repair is responsible for using appropriate installation techniques.
1.5 If materials meet the requirements of clause 4.4 then a minimum design life of 50 years should be ensured if the repairs are correctly installed.
One or more ‘Common Editorial Caveats’ apply – see ‘WIS & IGN Library / Navigation & Caveats’ for details.
Based on the Standards Board’s enquiries (FWA, UKSTT, PIG & SRCG representatives – Autumn 2021) it noted that there is a lot of work currently being done using these techniques with the approach advancing & changing rapidly.
The Board has initiated a review of the standard to see whether any role remains for the WIS with many EN & ISO standards coming out on the topic.
It is understood that BS EN ISO 11296-4 covers CIPP lining but not design, although a further standard will follow for that in due course.
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